One of letraset's most prestigious ranges was the Veteran Car Collection, which typically for Letraset had several associated spin-offs. The original range was produced in 1971 as a single sheet of 50 transfers, PR82, with artwork featuring cars from the Montagu Motor Museum at Beaulieu (now the National Motor Museum).
John Hunt, then the Brand Manager of Letraset Consumer Products, describes them:
"…The Veteran Car Collection which was sheets of rub down transfers reproduced from the Montagu Motor Museum and originally used as a promotional collection and then sold as a retail collection. They were produced by gravure and were very detailed half-tone pictures produced from transparencies…"
These three press cuttings were very kindly sent to me by after I contacted the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu to see if they had any info or records regarding this promotion. You can read them for yourselves, original errors & all! They do explain the initial concept in reasonable detail.
There are quite a lot of heavy-duty images to show you, so I've split this article up into several convenient sections; however, it works best if you follow them through in order:
• The Retail Packs →Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives — Motoring Picture Library
© Tom Vinelott 2007-2024