Free Gift Transfers in Comics

Page 14 of 20

Marvel UK Spider-Man No.607, 27th October 1984 — Free Rub Down Spider-Man Transfers


"After lifting the background off, you should be able to close the staple over again." Words of wisdom for us all, there.


Next week: Spidey Sticker. Check with mum first.


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There's another Spider-Man comic or two in this article, in a couple of pages' time: The Spider-Man Comic Nos.634-635, 4th-11th May 1985

Letraset, masters of recycling, took their artwork from this Maxi-size PrestoMagiX set.

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Gillette/PaperMate must have particularly liked the "Waterfront Encounter" set, because they used the artwork in their point-of-sale display boxes.


(Photo kindly donated by PlaidStallions)

As I'm sure you're aware by now, Kalkitos was the brand name for Gillette's Letraset products throughout the World, but the equivalent within the US was branded PrestoMagiX. So most sets that appeared under one brand name would usually appear under the other. Here's a cut-down Kalkitos set from Australia, kindly sent to me by David. From the look of it (& the fact it's distributed by the now-defunct "Murfett Pty"), I would guess that this isn't a 'proper' Kalkitos set, but a little something put together from scraps after Gillette had abandoned ship. Look at the other titles advertised…



• Next Page: Splat Comic No.1 — Terrifically Terrible Transfers →

Other pages in this article about Free Gift Transfers in Comics:

Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives — PlaidStallions — David