This is one of five articles on Letraset products which are not Action Transfers, but which should be of interest nevertheless.
You can get from each article to any of the others by following these links; they are all worth a look.
(See below for the links to the pages dedicated to these topics…)
These two pages from a Letraset catalogue spell it out quite clearly. If you need some transfers for your business, you can place an order (minimum fifty sheets). I believe this offer still stands!
(UPDATE: not any more, I'm afraid! Letraset were still trading when I wrote the above…)
A very early US Letraset catalogue gives some interesting examples, & below you can see some of the many sample sheets Letraset distributed. They seemed to get everywhere, so they're still turning up…
Here is a Special Sheet from 1972 (S31304). The client is "Taide Ja Kehys Oy" (Art & Frame Ltd.), who are still in business. Perhaps for some kind of Finnish Football-related game? I'll email them to see if they remember it…
An unexpected use of Special Sheets was also Letraset's first attempt at a product for children: the IdentiKit game, for Palitoy. Because this is a crucial development, despite consisting almost entirely of a Special Sheet it gets a section all to itself: Palitoy IdentiKit.
I've divided this article into three pages, so there are two more to go. The next page concerns Letraset's "Yellow Submarine" transfers, & to finish off there's a page of Special sheets featuring emblems & badges for the Armed Forces.
• Next Page — Yellow Submarine →Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives — Tony Pooley
© Tom Vinelott 2007-2024