Free Gift Transfers with Breakfast Cereals

Page Forty of Fifty-one pages

Sanitarium Skippy's Australiana Adventure, 1974 [PR208]

"Skippy has many Aussie friends in the 12 story booklets of Skippy's Australiana Adventures. With every story booklet you'll find a page of action-transfers.
"You just rub them into place on the scene to complete the picture! You can also rub the action-transfers onto your school books, cases, etc.
"Here are the 12 adventures: Gus the Gecko: Lady Bandicoot: Captain P. Latypus, S.V.N.: Spikey the Anteater: Nosey the Numbat: P.C. Emu: Louey the Lyre Bird: Private Possum: Clarrie the Crocodile: Koala Kathie: Hopless the Wallaby: and Wonald the Wombat.
"When you have collected all 12, you can make up a complete Australiana Adventure book. Take a threaded needle and pierce a hole in the top right hand corner of each booklet. Then all you have to do is tie the two ends of the cotton to make a loop binding.
"Skippy's Australiana Adventures are in your favourite Sanitarium cereals."

The cereal pack is shown at the bottom of the page, & is quite instructive — although I'm not sure the 'loop binding' instructions are very practical. But first the transfer sheets:


We have two of the twelve sets from this promotion in the scan archives. The pink animal in the background of each scene is Skippy the Kangaroo himself; I assume the pinkness is a branding decision.


The rest of these images are from photos rather than scans, but you should still be able to get a pretty good overview of the entire promotion. To avoid confusion, in the image below "Captain P. Latypus" occupies the left-hand side, & "Gus the Gecko" the right.


Original photos courtesy of Graeme Poile


Original photos courtesy of Graeme Poile


Original photos courtesy of Graeme Poile

The Cereal Pack:

A late addition to the page, sent in by Robert Welk.


Original photos courtesy of Robert Welk


Original photo courtesy of Robert Welk

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Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives — Graeme Poile — Robert Welk