Superhero Doodle Kits

This scan from Letraset's 1978 trade catalogue should tell you nearly all you need to know about this product, which is essentially just a sheet of card folded into four detachable posters for colouring-in. Pens are provided.


Letraset 1978 trade catalogue — scan by Craig Spivey

(Bonus: Action Transfer Lettering! I do have some of these, but I don't think you really need to see scans; the photo above tells the whole story.)

As you can see, the Doodle Kit pens fit into a tray which slots into the wraparound cover as if being held by the Superhero. A fun idea, but unfortunately the tray had a very strong tendency to slip out of place…


Photo by

We only have scans of the Wonder Woman Doodle Kit, but that should be enough to give you the idea. First, the front side of the wraparound cover, opened flat:


The view from the back, showing you the cardboard stiffener — which rather cheekily doubled as…


…a Superhero Drawing Board. Okay, let's face it: that's VERY cheeky.


"Titles in this series include: Wonder Woman Batman Superman and Robin (etc, etc)…"

We've never seen the ETC Doodle Kit, which is a shame, since they're my favourite Superheros. Anyway, here's the four-panel Doodle sheet, with all its panels still attached. The whole Kit measured 30.5 x 21.5 cm, so when unfolded, you're talking about a very substantial sheet. However, as you might expect, the back of it is blank.


To save your poor tired eyes, here's a close-up of the "Giant Crazed Brute" panel:


So many questions… the British Chief of Staff… the Incredible Hulk in a DC story… Teddy Roosevelt thanking Wonder Woman for conveniently turning up to kill Steve Trevor… enough. DOES NOT COMPUTE.

"Anonymous" kindly sent us this photo of their unopened Superman Doodle Kit, which demonstrates how the cellophane used by Letraset in this period had a tendency to shrink, warping the contents. And as I warned you, the pen tray has slipped its moorings.


Original photo by anonymous contributor

To finish off, the ever-helpful Tom Doyle contributed these three Batman Doodle Kit panels which he had completed in his youth. So if you didn't know what "colouring-in" was, now you can see for yourself.


Original photo by Tom Doyle


Original photo by Tom Doyle


Original photo by Tom Doyle


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Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives, & thanks to Craig Spivey & Tom Doyle