Free Gift Transfers in Food Promotions

"Ceylon the Tea Island: an Instant Picture Book" [PR68] (1971)

Loosely adhering to the format of the Patterson Blick Instant Picture Books, this very nice promotion for Ceylon Tea came out in 1971 — although the booklet is copyright 1969 & the transfer sheet 1970.

"Published by the Ceylon Tea Centre, London. Designed and illustrated by Carole and John Tyler."

For convenience of layout, here's the back page first (with the front page to its right); the rest of the booklet is in reading order.

The last page is of special significance to those who think a teabag soaked for a few seconds in warm water is adequate preparation for a cup of tea.

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1971 was the year the Sri Lankan government nationalised the tea industry, so possibly this promotion played a part in publicising this event. Despite the country now being known as Sri Lanka, the tea is still called Ceylon Tea.

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Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives