Action Transfers Promotions

You might think there were quite a few promotions involving Action Transfer sets as prizes. However, we've only found evidence of two, so far; both are from 1971, & feature the Red range of Action Transfer sets.

Heinz Tomato Ketchup

This advert appeared in the issue of "Smash!" dated 3rd April 1971. It also appeared in the Hornet the following week, TV21 the week before (27th March, No.79) — and no doubt elsewhere.



Lyons Maid Summer Fun Spot-the-difference Competition

This ad ran for quite a long time through the Summer of 1971; the closing date for the competition was extended a couple of times. This particular example is from "Look and Learn", 10th July 1971, quite close to the current closing date of 31st July.

The Action Transfers aren't exactly prizes, as such. Everyone got one if they timed their entry right. Which you won't, if you respond to THIS particular ad! You can have fun spotting the differences yourself, and of course choosing that one word to describe the sensation of eating a Lyons Maid lolly. I just know you'll come up with something original…

I'm afraid you're too late to win £1-worth of Lyons Maid products, though. That wouldn't get you much nowadays, anyway; and back in 1971, you might have had a hard time getting your money's worth.


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Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives