Free Gift Transfers in Comics

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Marvel UK: Star Wars Return of the Jedi Nos.97-99, 27th April - 11th May 1985 — Free Ewok Transfers

The free transfers provided with these three issues were simply sellotaped to the front covers of the comics. The first issue also included a background scene spread across the centre pages.

All the images on this page are courtesy of Craig Spivey, but I would also like to thank Jess Harper for all her contributions.

No.97 27th April 1985 (207 R1)

craig_spivey_Marvel_No97_FC_h600 MUK_Ewoks_Sheet_R1_2984739_comic_disloxic_r200

"Hi folks! How do you like your free Ewok transfers? We couldn't think of a more perfect background for them, than this Ewok village on Endor, the Ewok's home planet.

"Cut along the dotted line and then stick your background scene to card. Rub the back of your transfer evenly with a pencil or ball-point pen, and hey presto your transfer will have become part of the background scene!

"Don't forget to leave some room on your background, as there will be more Ewok transfers, free with the next two issues of Return of the Jedi, so place your order now!"

The background scene used here is a cut-down version of the background from the Thomas Salter boxed set "Ewok Village", but printed in reverse. The transfer sheets taped to the front covers of the comics use artwork taken directly from the "Ewok Village" transfer sheets.

When they said they couldn't think of a different background for the transfers, they really meant it…

No.98 4th May 1985 (207 R2)

craig_spivey_Marvel_No98_FC_woSheet_h600 craig_spivey_Marvel_No98_Sheet_207_R2_wTissue_r200

No.99 11th May 1985 (207 R3)

craig_spivey_Marvel_No99_FC_wSheet_h600 craig_spivey_Marvel_No99_Sheet_207_R3_wTissue_r200

For those of you interested in such things (that would be just me, then), the serial numbers 207 R1, 207 R2 & 207 R3 are not Letraset or Thomas Salter serials; presumably they refer to Acorn Printed Products job numbers, or are simply a convenience for the printer (Sodecor). The film was dated 1983, & the copyright dates on the sheets reflect this, but the date of publication of these comics is much later (as you can see). Between those dates, Thomas Salter (who had released several "Return of the Jedi" transfer sets) went out of business — so the re-use of this Thomas Salter artwork would have fallen to Acorn Printed Products.

• Next Page: Marvel UK The Spider-Man Comic Nos.634-635, 4th-11th May 1985 — Free Action Rub-Down Transfers →
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Picture Credit: Craig Spivey (with thanks to Jess Harper)