Here's an advert, in Treasure No.349 (20th September 1969):
"There are ten sets in the series."
And here's the bright new 1/- box:
Courtesy of the John Townsend Collection
Courtesy of the John Townsend Collection
I don't know how many different box backs there were; pretty much any of the transfers would go with this one, possibly apart from "Tiger Hunt":
Courtesy of murraycards51
Nick Symes asked me to identify this transfer sheet, & I'm afraid it took me a minute to realise what it was:
Courtesy of Nick Symes
It's in a cellophane packet, although I don't know if that's the one it originally came in, since the protective tissue is missing.
It turns out that the above sheet belonged to Adrian Allen, who then sold it to the SPLAT Scan Archives — meaning we got to scan it out of its packet! — so here it is in its full glory. Thanks, Adrian.
After this, Martin Townsend very kindly sent me photos of the box (above) & eight of the ten transfer sheets from his late Father's collection. Since we already had "Gypsy Camp", here are the other seven; now we're only missing two.
Courtesy of the John Townsend Collection
Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives — murraycards51 — Nick Symes — The John Townsend Collection
© Tom Vinelott 2007-2024