Mini Action Transfers [1974]

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GK167/1 Deep Sea Exploration

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GK167/2 Outer Space

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As you can see, one transfer from this sheet has been rubbed down — although not onto the background, which is clean & unused.

Now… here is StellarX' "7 Wonders" image of a used background:


The figure missing from the sheet is the yellow astronaut at the top right of this background. So… a bit of good, old-fashioned hard work in Photoshop, & — hey presto!


I'm sure Peter would have approved.

GK167/3 Cavalry Charge

pic pic

GK167/4 Air Battle


For a while, the only images we had of this set were this first one above (donated anonymously & part-used), & below, one of a pair retained from StellarX' "7 Wonders" website.


Then Jolyon Humphryes listed his used set from childhood on eBay, & even kindly scanned it for me before I bid on it! But naturally I won it anyway…


…which enabled me to carefully remove the transfers using our SECRET PATENT TRANSFER REMOVAL METHOD which may involve sellotape & a craft knife, although of course I couldn't possibly comment & you should definitely not try this at home without your Mummy to help you.


So now we have Peter Archer's background, although not yet, unfortunately, his transfer sheet at full scale.

If you have a sheet we can scan to upgrade this set, please use the Facebook Action Transfers Page to get in touch!


It's the nature of progress that things improve in tiny steps. And indeed, since all the above effort I've obtained an unused background, rendering all my previous hard work fruitless:


With it comes this ALMOST unused transfer sheet… hold on… this looks familiar… IT'S THE ONE FROM THE ANONYMOUS PHOTO ABOVE. Coincidence? — You be the Judge!


While we're on the subject of coincidence, what are the chances that two Mini Action Transfer sheets (this one, & Outer Space, above) should each have just one transfer applied, & neither on their supplied background? I can't think of another case where just one transfer from a sheet has been applied; I think this strongly suggests that both of these sets belonged to the same person, who had their own reasons & methods which for now must remain a mystery. Stay tuned for further exciting developments!

Anyway: I've fixed it, using my Secret Transfer Restoration techniques (patent applied for).


But even so: if you have the unused sheet, we'd still be grateful to borrow it or obtain a proper scan!

• Next Page — Sets 5-8 →

Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives, with thanks to StellarX — 7 Wonders, Topwinneronly, Joe123dinosaur — Jolyon Humphryes