Bata Shoes:

Wayfinders Animal Tracks & Wayfinders Moonshot

(Page Five of Five)

Bata & Wayfinders: Other Shoes

Bata did, of course, produce other shoes for boys, & for completeness' sake here are some more ads in chronological order. We don't think any of these shoes had a Letraset connection.

The Power-Points football boots give their address as Bata's factory in East Tilbury, so presumably they were in a different department from Wayfinders. Look and Learn No.293 26th August 1967, & No.295 9th September 1967:

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Back to Wayfinders, & a change of comic: Smash No.12, 31st May 1969:

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Power-Points again in Look and Learn No.402, 27th September 1969. Then, new for 1971, Wayfinders Big Game Adventure shoes. Valiant and Smash, 21st August 1971; Look and Learn No.541, 27th May 1972:

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The last new advert for Bata in a comic to be shown here, was for Power Sportshoes. Valiant and TV21, 15th July 1972.

• Back to the first page: Bata Shoes ↑

As a footnote, please note that no feet were injured in the production of this article.

Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives