Waddington/Letraset Captain Scarlet Panorama

See the previous Panorama (Doctor Dolittle) for details about these three reduced-size Character Panoramas from 1968.

The first three Character Panoramas seem to have been treated by Waddington's as one-offs, not being listed in later Waddington's trade catalogues, as all the full-size Panoramas & the Busy Bees were.

Captain Scarlet was first broadcast on 29th September 1967; the 1968 copyright date on this Panorama refers to the programme, not the Panorama, but even so we believe it's also the year this was published.

Unfortunately, we don't have an unused version yet; if you have an unused Captain Scarlet Panorama, please get in touch via the Facebook Action Transfers Page. It would be nice to be able to display the transfer sheet!

pic pic

Here's another, even more used, copy of this background:


I'll remove the next image one day, but for the benefit of those who have cheekily asked how these updates are at all different from the previous versions, here's the same background as immediately above, as it was before this update:


Picture Credit: The SPLAT Scan Archives